
hai, welcome to my little corner of the internet. im working on making this site look cooler at the moment so stuff might change a bit


hai my name is Jack and im from the UK. im 18 and pretty into computers. i go by they/them :3

im into almost anything involving computers. i tend to play games or code in my spare time but at the moment im just rotting. on my depression arc atm so its not great :c

most of the stuff on the internet atm kinda sucks tbh so its cool that webrings are still around to use the web how it is meant to be used :3

i made this page cus who wouldnt want to have a website? Not many ppl have their own websites now which kinda is sad since most sites today are corporate pages covered in ads

there are still lots of ppl and with cool sites though and webrings tend to be a good place to find them. the webring im in has loads of sites here waaay better than this one <3

im still mid way through changing this site to look cooler and a few pages are pretty empty so there will maybe be more here in the future so yeag :3


if u wanna talk to me, feel free to message me on discord @nshjck. im kinda (way too) active there and will probably respond pretty quick


member of the Hotline Webring

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last edited: 22-01-2025 23:09 BST

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